Monday, June 30, 2014

You Don't Look Sick or The Problem with Job Hunting

I was laid off from my job of 22 years in January of 2011. I was initially upset because I did love my job and enjoyed doing it, but I realized that I could use a little time off to continue recovering from my cancer. I was still pretty tired and having time to recover would be great.  After a few months of recovering, I was not just sleeping I was working on my resume and doing some initial job hunting or more likely figuring out what I wanted to do, I began applying for jobs. I did not get any responses to my applications and wound up redoing my resume and rethinking the kinds of jobs I was applying for.

Job hunting is way more exhausting and stressful than working. I would rather have a job and work that to hunt for one any day. The economy did not help since there were more people applying for jobs than jobs available. I do admit I was and still am pretty stressed out about finding a job. I have had to expand my search and try to figure out other jobs that I can do. Now I have many years of retail experience and I could probably get a job in retail easily....the only problem is the dress code. OSHA requires that people in certain industries, like retail are required to wear closed toe shoes so that you don't drop anything on your feet and hurt yourself. The problem I have is my lymphadema, anything that covers the top of my foot causes pain. The top of my foot always feels like it is bruised. The next problem is my toes, they kind of point up so the nail hits the toe of the shoe and makes the nails feel tender. I have been on a hunt to find closed toe shoes that don't cause problems. I have looked for the softest material, the kind with the most give, but every time I think I have found a pair, it never works out. I know you are thinking, get a size bigger, I have done that and also wider shoes. Nothing seems to work. So, I continue to wear my sandals all year round...good thing I live in Southern California.  It really does not help in my job hunt.  So I need to find an office the search continues.....


  1. Am Richard, I am here to testify about a great herbalist  man who cured my wife of breast cancer. His name is Dr Imoloa. My wife went through this pain for 3 years, i almost spent all i had, until i saw some testimonies online on how Dr. Imoloa cure them from their diseases, immediately i contacted him through. then he told me the necessary things to do before he will send  the herbal medicine. Wish he did through DHL courier service, And he instructed us on how to apply or drink the medicine for good two weeks. and to greatest surprise before the upper third week my wife was relief from all the pains, Believe me, that was how my wife was cured from breast cancer by this great man. He also have powerful herbal medicine to cure diseases like: Alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Bipolar Disorder, Brain Tumor, Malignant, Bruxism, Bulimia, Cervical Disc Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Neoplasms , chronic respiratory disease, mental and behavioral disorder, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, Autoimmune inflammatory media arthritis ed. chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, impotence, alcohol spectrum feta, dysthymic disorder, eczema, tuberculosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus disease, mouth ulcer, mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis ABC, syphilis, diarrhea, HIV / AIDS, Huntington's disease, back acne, chronic kidney failure, addison's disease, chronic pain, Crohn's pain, cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia, inflammatory Bowel disease, fungal nail disease, Lyme disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major depression, Malignant melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Rheumatoid arthritis. You can reach him Email Via / whatsapp +2347081986098    Website/

  2. I want to quickly crave your indulgence and bring to your notice a powerful Herbal Doctor called Dr. James from West Africa, who is just 21 days of contact was able to cure me of HIV for 15 years as ARV consumption does not work but got me a fat belle, I was surfing the internet on my research on an herbal alternative for HIV cure, I came across Mrs. Stephanie Brown, Lori Hirst, Trisha Nelson, and Mr. Richmond Kelly, and others on their appreciation and testimonies on how Dr. James cured them of, Cancer, HIV/Aids, Alzheimer's disease, and Hepatitis B with his herbal mix medicine. Without hesitation I picked up interest and contacted the same Dr. James on his Email that was provided (, I told him about my HIV and my details, he told me not to be scared that he will cure me, and he as well gave me guarantee, he asked me to pay for the items which I did. in 2 days time, he sent his herbal mix medicine, through SPEED POST COURIER SERVICE which was delivered to my post office within 4 business days. I appreciated his honesty. I used his herbal drink for 21 days as he prescribed it to, believe me, though I was cured of HIV when they all said HIV got no permanent cure. There is a cure to HIV/AIDS when herbal medicine is being used in the right proportion by a good herbal doctor like Dr. James, the herbal gifted man. Am short of words to thank him and I have resorted to this medium of telling the world at large about him. His truly amazing and kind in helping any sick patients recover their healthy life, he does not charge. Just a small fee to send the herbal medicine to you anywhere in the world. He also told me he got cures for human diseases such as Alzheimer's diseases, Bedwetting cure, Schizophrenia, Cancer, Scoliosis, Bladder Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Breast Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Leukemia, Lung Cancer, Skin Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Syndrome Fibrodysplasia, Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease, Diabetes, Celiac disease, Ataxia, Arthritis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Adrenocortical carcinoma. Asthma, Allergic diseases. Hiv_ Aids, Herpes, Inflammatory bowel disease, COPD, Diabetes, contact him today via email: believe me You will surely testify just like me.

  3. I am from USA. I was suffering from HEPATITIS B for over 3 years, i was hopeless until one of my friend directed me to a herbal DR. Dr Chike on youtube, she said the Dr has herbal medicine that treat HEPATITIS B also said the Dr has helped people with. HERPES, CANCER, DIABETES, HPV, HERPES, HSV 1 .2, Fever, Fibromyalgia, Fatigue and chronic pains. I never believed her but after a lot of talk. I decided to contact him, just few days ago i contacted him and he told me what to do which i did and he sent to me a herbal medicine via {DHL} with prescriptions on how i will take it for a period of days. After i finished taking the medicine for 2 weeks he told me to go for a test which i also did and when the result came out i was surprised to see that i am negative. I am proud to tell you that I am the happiest person on earth. Big thanks to Dr Chike herbs .. I pray you find a solution in him. For more information on how to get treated Contact Dr on, text/call via: +1 (719) 629 0982 WhatsApp . +233502715551, or Facebook page, @ Dr Chike Herbal Remedy.
